Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

Call For A Complimentary Review
Of Your Tax Assessment

(973) 227-1912

Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

If an appeal is simply dismissed or withdrawn as a result of the property owner being unable to prove overvaluation, then the assessment will just remain as is. If a property owner filed an appeal based on a miscalculation, whereby they were incorrect in assuming that they were over assessed, then they could end up having to pay additional property tax. It is critical for a property owner to be represented by an attorney who is well-versed in this area of the law.

Can I Appeal Again If I Lose?

If an appeal is denied, the property owner can appeal again the following year.

What Components Constitute A Winnable Tax Appeal Case?

Components of a winnable tax appeal case include proof of overvaluation. This can be by appraisal documents, as well as testimony from the property manager who can explain the particulars of property deficiencies or inadequacies. The tax appeal process requires a team-oriented approach, and the attorney should inspect the property so that they are well-informed about the features and facts pertaining to the property. This will be particularly beneficial in the event that negotiations or a trial becomes necessary.

How Long Does It Take To Receive A Decision On A Property Tax Appeal?

If there is a trial, it could take over a year for a property tax appeal case to resolve, but this varies. If it’s appealed to the county tax board, a decision could be made within 30 days.

If I Am Successful, Am I Hurting My Municipality Or My School?

If a property owner is successful in their appeal, it means that they were being asked to pay more than their fair share of property taxes. The law gives every taxpayer the right to contest or protest tax bills, and succeeding in doing so does not mean that a municipality or school is being harmed.

If I Am Successful, Will I Have To Go Through This Process The Next Time?

Some towns reassess annually, which means those taxpayers may need to appeal frequently. We monitor our clients’ tax assessments each year and advise them as to whether or not they’ve been over assessed, and should consider filing a property tax appeal.

How Would You Advise A Potential Client Who Wants To File A Property Tax Appeal?

It’s important for clients to remember that it’s all about the valuation and not taxes. A property owner should never go into the assessor’s office and say their taxes are too high; they should begin the process by inquiring about value. It may be helpful to speak with a broker or appraiser who can speak about the market and the price range of other properties that are similar to the one in question. It’s also important to speak to a property tax attorney who understands valuation issues and can provide counsel on the best course of action given a particular set of circumstances.

What Sets You And Your Firm Apart In Handling Property Tax Appeals?

We are a very service-oriented firm and we respond immediately to client requests for information. We always keep our clients informed and maintain excellent working relationships with municipalities, assessors, and the attorneys who represent those entities. We’re well-respected by the county tax boards and tax court judges who hear these cases. We are constantly kept abreast of what’s occurring in the overall marketplace and have ongoing dialogue with appraisers, realtors, brokers, and market participants. In addition, we track current case law developments in order to inform clients about the correct paths of action.

For more information on Raised Taxes After Losing An Appeal, a complimentary review is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (973) 227-1912  today.

Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

Call For A Complimentary Review
(973) 227-1912