Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

Call For A Complimentary Review
Of Your Tax Assessment

(973) 227-1912

Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

Property taxes can be appealed each year, but there are some exceptions. In New York State, if a settlement agreement is reached on a tax assessment, there will be a statutory freeze under section 727 of the New York Real Property Tax Law, disallowing another tax appeal for three years. A successful court level appeal in 2019 means no appeal in 2020, 2021, or 2022 because of the statutory freeze. There are exceptions to the statutory freeze including: revaluation/reassessment, vacancy and increases in assessment due to new construction.

When Must The Assessment Appeal Be Filed?

The assessment appeal must be filed before the appeal deadline; if it’s filed after, then it won’t be valid and the opportunity to appeal for that year will be missed. It is important to be aware of the appeal deadlines, which vary. It’s advisable to file prior to the filing deadline with proof of filing by way of a certified mail receipt. Some jurisdictions have implemented electronic filing procedures, which we adhere to.

Deadlines can change from one year to the next and from town to town. Stavitsky & Associates monitors these deadlines to ensure that our filings are timely.

In New Jersey, the filing deadline is April 1st to Tax Court and county tax boards. Gloucester and Monmouth Counties have a January deadline. Town-wide revaluations and annual reassessment towns in New Jersey push back the filing deadline to May 1st (excepting Gloucester and Monmouth County board appeals).

For more information on Appealing Property Taxes Every Year, a complimentary consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (973) 227-1912 today.

Stavitsky & Associates, LLC.

Call For A Complimentary Review
(973) 227-1912